Do Raccoons Hibernate?

The process in a specific period when certain North Carolina animal species go into deep sleep in very cold season is known as hibernate. Basic purpose of why animals hibernate? Is to survive even in hard season? The second reason that can be associated to hibernate period is to survive when the food resources are scarce in hard winter season. Besides sleeping some other characteristics that can be observed in such animals in that season are low heart beat rate, low body temperature and another major feature is low metabolisms in body.

As far as hibernate in Fayetteville raccoons is concerned we can say winter is as challenging for raccoons as for other animals. Before answering do raccoons hibernate or not? Let's discuss some characteristics of raccoons, Raccoons are considered very intelligent and sharp minded category of mammals and belongs to order of omnivores.

Being omnivores North Carolina raccoons can eat different food like fruits, nuts, corns, insects, small animals etc. one of their major characteristic that would make easy to understand and relate hibernate with them is adaptability i.e. raccoons can adjust themselves in any environment this quality of raccoons make it is very possible for raccoons to survive in even in hard seasonal environment. An advantage that raccoons have is that in summer season raccoons according to their characteristics eat anything and this food get stored and build up fat stores in them which is used in winter season when food is scarce and also these stored fat keep raccoons warm during winters. Because of utilization of stored food in summer and their utilization in winter, raccoons are often found with less weight in winter as compare to summer. This characteristic of eating anything gives another advantage to raccoon that is they can eat any scarce food available in winter at that time. As far as sleeping in winters in raccoons are related it is said that Fayetteville raccoons do sleep for a long time but they might change their location.

So another behavior of Fayetteville raccoons found in winter season is looking for warm dens areas which protect them from severity of the season. Raccoons like woodland areas to live and in search of warm dens areas they prefer hollow trees. Along all that winter is also challenging for raccoons as far other animals because only the stored energy of the body is in use in that period therefore raccoons go into sleep for weeks but that is not total hibernate this state is referred as Torper. Instead of hibernate a distinguish feature of raccoons is that they create a layer of fur with the help of stored fats. This fur keeps the body of the North Carolina raccoons warm so it is called as the thick winter coat.

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